Prayer Times

Prayer times Raza Mosque

local mosque in lancaster

welcome to raza mosque lancaster

Raza Mosque was set up in the 1970’s by local Muslims who predominantly emigrated from India in the 1960’s.  The mosque now boast many different nationalities.

Raza Mosque provide the 5 daily prayers, a Madrassah for ages 5 to 16 males and females, Weekly Zikr gatherings after Asr salah every Thursday and a Small library with books in English and Urdu.

The Jummuah Qutba is delivered in Arabic, with educational speeches delivered in Gujerati and English.

“Our Goal Is To Serve Humanity"

Through the teachings of the Holy Quran, and the hadith of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ our aim is to become better human beings first and foremost.

We abide by the laws of the Holy Quran, and live our lives in accordance to the etiquettes shown to us by Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.

We aim to be better Muslims & better people, to all people, regardless of their religious or other beliefs.

We practice the love of Allah, and his Messenger, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Find us here